portal ポータル apature scienceページのリンクを以下に示します。 portal ポータル apature scienceに関連するページもリストされています。
- Step 1. 以下の公式リンクからportal ポータル apature scienceページにアクセスしてください。
- Step 2. 公式ウェブサイトのページを開いて、必要な情報を見つけてください。
- Step 3. それでもportal ポータル apature scienceにアクセスできない場合は、右上の検索ボックスでもう一度検索してください。
Aperture Science – Portal Wiki
Aperture Science – Portal Wiki
Aperture Science was founded as Aperture Fixtures in the early 1940s by Cave Johnson. Aperture Fixtures was primarily dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of shower curtains – a low-tech portal between the inside and outside of a shower – with Cave Johnson winning the "Shower Curtain Salesman of 1943" award.

Aperture Science | Half-Life Wiki | Fandom
Aperture Science | Half-Life Wiki | Fandom
Aperture Science, Inc. is a United States-based scientific research corporation appearing in Portal and Portal 2, as well as its logo on the Borealis in Half-Life 2: Episode Two. The main facility is the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, located in Upper Michigan, with at least one other base of operations in Cleveland, Ohio. Originally a shower curtain manufacturer named Aperture Fixtures …

Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device | Half-Life Wiki | Fandom
Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device | Half-Life Wiki | Fandom
The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, originally marketed in the 1950s as an Aperture Science Portable Quantum Tunneling Device, also commonly known as a Portal Gun or by its acronym, "ASHPD", is an experimental tool used to create two portals through which objects can pass.. Used in the Enrichment Center's testing tracks, it is a Test Subject's primary tool to complete each test, as …

Handheld Portal Device – Portal Wiki
Aperture Science Radio | Half-Life Wiki | Fandom
Aperture Science Radio | Half-Life Wiki | Fandom
Radios can be found through the Enrichment Center in Portal, and less frequently in Portal 2. On March 1, 2010, a Portal update expanded the radios' role within the game,1 using it within an alternate reality game to promote Portal 2.2 1 Overview 2 Trivia 3 Behind the scenes 4 Gallery 5 List of appearances 6 References 7 External links When they are initially found in test chambers in Portal …

Portal apature science – YouTube
Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative on Steam
Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative on Steam
About This Game Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative is a community-made mod for Portal 2, inspired by TAG! The Power of Paint. The familiar Portal 2 gels are now contained within the Aperture Science Paint Gun Device and it's your job to test it out! Featuring a new personality-core and an original story with 27 polished levels; the mod offers an exciting and fun experience in …

Aperture Science Wallpapers – Wallpaper Cave
Portal – 'Still Alive' – YouTube
Portal – This Is Aperture – YouTube
Portal 2: Welcome to Aperture Labs – YouTube
Steam Workshop::Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
Steam Workshop::Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. Description Discussions 44 Comments 2284 Change Notes … A fully functional Portal Gun. This is by far the most eloquent and bug- free portal gun available within Garry's Mod. Left click to shoot a blue portal. Right click to shoot an orange portal. Reload to remove all portals.

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